Syllogism problems in reasoning hold immense significance in aptitude-based competitive exams. It tests your ability to analyze information, draw logical deductions, and make accurate conclusions. Mastering syllogism problems enables you to enhance your problem-solving skills and think critically. It is a key tool for success in these exams, allowing you to navigate through complex scenarios and arrive at the correct answers swiftly.
Multiple Choice Questions
DIRECTIONS for questions: In the questions below, you will find some statements followed by conclusions: I, II, III, IV, V. You must assume that the given statements are true, even if they contradict commonly known facts. After reading the conclusions, you need to determine which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, without considering commonly known facts. (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
1. Statements: Some Cats are Rats. All bats are tables. All Rats are Bats.
I. Some Cats are bats
II. All bats are rats
III. All tables are cats
IV. All bats are cats
A. Only I & II follow
B. Only II follows
C. Only I & IV follow
D. None of these
Solution: Option (D)

2. Statements: Most CPUs are keyboards. No keyboard is a Mouse. All Mouses are CPU.
I. Some keyboards are CPU
II. All CPUs are Mouse
III. No Mouse is a keyboard
IV. Some Mouse are keyboard
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only I follows
B. Only II and III follow
C. Only I and III follow
D. Only II follows
Solution: Option (C)

3. Statements:
Some Short bones are flat bones.
All flat bones are long bones.
No long bones are irregular bones.
I. All irregular bones being short bone is a possibility
II. All short bones being long bones is a possibility
III. All flat bones being short bones is a possibility
IV. Some irregular bones are being flat bone is a possibility
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Conclusion I does not follow
B. Conclusion II does not follow
C. Conclusion III does not follow
D. Conclusions I and II does not follow
E. Conclusions IV does not follow
Solution: Option (E)

4. Statements:
All orange are grapes
Some mango potato
No potato is grape
All apple are orange
I. Some mango is not grape
II. Some Apple is not mango
III. No orange is potato
IV. No mango is orange
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Conclusions II and III does not follow
B. Conclusion II does not follow
C. Conclusions II and IV does not follow
D. Conclusions IV does not follow
E. Conclusions III and IV does not follow
Solution: Option (C)

5. Statements:
Few Cards are Covers.
Few Covers are keyboards.
Few keyboards are alphabets.
Few alphabets are numbers.
I. Few numbers are Cards.
II.Some alphabets are Covers.
III. Some keyboards are Cards.
IV. None Number is a card
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only I follow
B. Only I, III and IV follow
C. Only II follows
D. Only either I or IV follows
E. None of these
Solution: Option (D)

6. Statements:
Few cars are weights.
Every weight is steel.
Few steels are coppers.
Every coppers are bands.
I. Few bands are cars.
II. Few weights are bands.
III. Few coppers are cars.
IV. Few steels are cars.
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only I and III follow
B. Only I and II follow
C. Only IV follows
D. Only II and IV follow
Solution: Option (C)

Directions (7-8): Read the following statements and conclusions. Assume all statements are true, even if they contradict common knowledge. Determine which conclusion does not logically follow from the given statements when considering all the statements together.
7. Statements:
Some stars are moon
All moon are apple
No Apple is earth
Some earth is result
All result is exam
A. Some star is not earth
B. Some moon is not earth
C. Some earth are exam
D. All star being earth is a possibility
E. All earth being exam is a possibility.
Solution: Option (D)

8. Statements:
Some life is book
All book is page
No page is pen
Some pen is mobile
No mobile is network
A. Some life is not pen.
B. All book being pen is a possibility
C. Some pen is not network
D. Some book is not pen
E. Some life is page
Solution: Option (B)

Directions (9-15): Read the statements carefully and decide which option is correct.
9. Statements:
Some apples are oranges
All oranges are bananas
All bananas are papayas
No papaya is a grape
I. All apples being grapes is a possibility
II. All grapes being apple is a possibility
III. All oranges are papayas
IV. No orange is a grape
V. No grape is a banana
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only I does not follow
B. Only II does not follow
C. Only III does not follow
D. Only IV does not follow
E. Only V does not follow
Solution: Option (A)

10. Statements:
Each botany is Physics
All physics is Chemistry
Frequently botany is biology
No geology is biology
I. Some botany which are biology are also physics
II. Some physics which are biology are also chemistry
III. Some botany which are physics are also geology is a possibility
IV. Some chemistry are not geology
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only I and III are does not follow
B. Only I and II are does not follow
C. Only II and IV are does not follow
D. Only I and either II or IV does not follow
E. None of these
Solution: Option (E)

11. Statements:
No stone is red
No red is flower
Some red are blue
Some blue are orange
I. Some stones are not flower
II. All oranges are red
III. Some blue being stone is a possibility.
IV. No orange is flower is a possibility.
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only II and III follow
B. Only I and IV follow
C. Only II, III and IV follow
D. Only III and IV follow
E. None of these
Solution: Option (D)

12. Statements:
Some A is B
Some B is not C
All D are A
I. Some A are not C
II. All D is B
III. Some D is B
IV. All A is C is a possibility
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. None follows
B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follow
D. Only IV follow
E. Both I and II follow
Solution: Option (D)

13. Statements:
Some January is February
All January is April
All February is March
No March is June
Some January is May
I. Some January which are May are also April
II. Some April which are February are also June is a possibility
III. Some May which are March are also April
IV. All February are April is a possibility
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Only II and III are follows
B. Only I and IV are follows
C. Only I and III are follows
D. Only II follows
E. Only III follows
Solution: Option (B)

14. Statements:
All Lanes are Roads.
Some Floors are Lanes.
All Floors are Seats.
No Lane is Junk
I. All seats are Lanes is a possibility
II. All Roads are Floors is definitely true
III. At least some seats are Roads
IV. All Junks being a part of Lane is a possibility
V. Some seats are definitely not Junks
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. I & II does not follow
B. II & IV does not follow
C. III & IV does not follow
D. I & V does not follow
E. none of these
Solution: Option (B)

15. Statement:
Some A is not B
All B can never be Z
All Y is Z
Some Y is not L
I. All L is Z is a possibility
II. Some B is not L
III. No A is not Y
IV. Some Z which are Y is not A
Options: (Syllogism problems in reasoning)
A. Either I or IV follow
B. Only IV follow
C. Only I follows
D. None follows
E. None of these
Solution: Option (C)

Calendar Problems: Click Here